Geopier Myth Busters, 3rd Edition

by Rob Condon, P.E., on June 12, 2023

Welcome back to Geopier’s version of MythBusters, where we dispel some of the Geopier® related myths circulating in the design-build world.  This article is the third installment of Geopier MythBusters and will focus on three myths related to installing Geopiers next to existing structures.

Myth 5: Geopier elements cannot be installed adjacent to existing buildings because of vibrations.
Vibration monitoring has been performed at a number of Rammed Aggregate Pier project sites to evaluate the amplitude and frequency of vibrations as a function of distance from the energy source. Geopier installations induce high frequency (low period) vibrations during the construction process. For sites with increased vibration and noise sensitivity, a site-specific monitoring program should be considered.

Myth 6: Geopier will cause unfavorable settlements to the existing structure.
Geopier soil reinforcement is used to reinforce and stiffen compressible foundation soils and increase the time-rate of settlement in order to control post-construction settlement magnitudes. The design methodology utilizes conventional settlement and radial drainage approaches with minor modifications based on advanced research to determine the Geopier element spacing required to control settlement and meet project settlement criteria.

Myth 7: Geopier installation will damage below-grade structures.
Geopier will work with you to identify subsurface conditions and design a cost-effective Geopier solution to support below-grade structures. Plate piles are driven below grade and do not interfere with vegetation or present a hazard.
Use the Geopier Solutions Pocket Card to quickly and easily compare methods for your ground improvement project!

Our hope is that these MythBusters help you better understand our capabilities so that you can design using Geopier with confidence!