Armorpact® System
- Ideal for soft/organic soils
- Rapid installation (schedule savings)
- 20-50% savings versus deep foundations and over-excavation
- No spoils and haul-off costs
The Armorpact® pier system is Geopier’s solution to soil profiles with relatively thick layers of soft clay or organic soils (10 to 15 feet thick). This rigid inclusion foundation system uses a patented HDPE sleeve to provide added confinement to the pier and prevent bulging of the aggregate into the very weak matrix soils. The sleeves are installed using a specialty Rampact mandrel that fits snuggly inside the Armorpact sleeve. During installation, the sleeve is advanced through the weak soils (to tag competent bearing soils) and the pier is then constructed inside (and above) the sleeve like a typical Rampact displacement pier up to the ground surface. The end result is a dense column of aggregate confined within an HDPE shell that provides excellent stiffness and settlement control.
- Organic soils or very soft clays and silts that are 10 to 15 feet thick
The Geopier® Armorpact rigid inclusion foundation system installation process consists of advancing the patented Armorpact shell through soft/organic soils and into a suitable bearing layer. The pier is then constructed inside and above the top of the shell by withdrawing and redriving a custom Rampact mandrel. The pier is constructed using open-graded aggregate in 2- to 3-foot-thick lifts up to the ground surface.