Airports and Hangars
Airport facilities have their own unique foundation and slab concerns. Airport facilities typically are not heavily loaded; however, there is usually an uplift component. In addition, the floor slabs must carry the load demand associated with the aircrafts and support equipment. Geopier’s solutions for airport structures are specifically designed to address these loads by reinforcing unsuitable bearing soils to create a very dense/ stiff crust that limits total and differential footing settlements to meet the project requirements.
Design Benefits
Geopier® ground improvement systems simplify the design process by allowing foundations and floor slabs to be designed as conventional spread footings and slabs-on-grade. The pier reinforced soils allow for increased bearing pressures and provide excellent settlement control. Geopier’s in-house engineering team can even perform FEA analyses to analyze complicated slab loads and help optimize slab design. We can even install piers indoors!
Schedule Benefits
Geopier® solutions are rapidly installed, which can help keep your projects ahead of schedule. Our licensed installers can mobilize multiple rigs and work around the clock to meet any of your scheduling needs. As an added benefit, there is no need to wait for concrete to cure before constructing footings. Foundations can be excavated and poured as soon as all the piers in a footing are installed.
Cost Benefits
Geopier® ground improvement systems provide significant cost savings, particularly for large projects. Our foundation solutions are typically 20 to 50 percent cheaper than conventional foundation solutions (deep foundations and removal and replacement) and can also help save cost on foundations and slabs by reducing footing sizes and slab thicknesses. Our systems produce minimal spoils which saves on earthwork and haul-off costs.
Uplift and Lateral Load Resistance
Geopier Rammed Aggregate Pier® solutions can be outfitted with uplift anchors to help carry the uplift demand associated with airport hangars. This allows for significant cost savings as the footing sizes can be significantly reduced.
Airport/Hanger Related Systems
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