Government and Municipal Foundation Solutions
GeopierĀ® ground improvement systems are commonly used to treat challenging soil conditions for support of government structures and municipal facilities.
Our government and municipal foundation solutions support everything from lightly loaded, stick-frame structures to heavily loaded, mid-rise structures including fire stations and police stations.
We also provide robust Geopier ground improvement solutions for the heavily loaded government and municipal structures associated with wastewater treatment facilities.
Design Benefits
Geopier® ground improvement systems provide excellent settlement control and soil support for all types of government and municipal structures. We help simplify the design process by allowing government and municipal foundations and floor slabs to be designed as conventional spread footings and slabs-on-grade. The pier reinforced soils allow for increased bearing pressures and limit total and differential settlements to meet the project requirements.Schedule Benefits
Geopier® foundation solutions are rapidly installed, which can help keep your government and municipal construction projects ahead of schedule. Most small jobs only take 1 to 2 days to complete! As an added benefit, there is no need to wait for concrete to cure before constructing footings. Foundations can be excavated and poured as soon as all the piers are installed.Cost Benefits
Geopier® ground improvement systems provide significant cost savings, particularly for large government and municipal projects. Our foundation solutions are typically 20 to 50 percent cheaper than conventional foundation solutions (deep foundations and removal and replacement) and can also help save cost on foundations and slabs by reducing footing sizes and slab thicknesses. Our systems produce minimal spoils which saves on earthwork and haul-off costs. This is particularly important on environmentally impacted sites.